10 Status Message of the Day

partying like a rock star.

If you watch Start Wars backwards it's about a boy who quickly assembles a space station where he can leave his sister and run around with friends until he flies to a desert planet and chases a couple of robots until they join his dad and sister in a war.

Sometimes you just have to accept you can`t win every battle , no matter how hard you try .. but just because you lost a battle doesn`t mean you can`t win the war.

No matter how old you are, an empty Christmas wrapping paper tube is still a light saber.

I wouldn't call Hugh Hefner a cradle robber as much as I would call his 24-year-old fianc?e, Crystal Harris, a grave robber.

According to legend, the only way to appease the volcano in Iceland is to sacrifice Miley Cyrus & Justin Bieber.

Michelle Obama has been picked as the world?s most powerful woman by Forbes. Coming in a close second place:............. Justin Bieber.

Here's to hoping next time Lady Gaga wears a dress made out of Justin Bieber.

didn't say you were a girl all I said was you look like Justin Beiber.

wouldn't join any club that would accept him as a member.

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